I love Sundays.
Here are some photos from my day so far.
Weeding the front yard with Dh - very satisfying.
Inspired by
Jill to take a weed photo but didn't actually take any until I just couldn't resist taking a photo of this caterpillar (or the hundreds of others that have invaded our existence with theirs).

I didn't stop at weeds...

After a very satisfying and successful weeding session I was happy to come inside and help the kids finish off making waffles.
Waffles (or pancakes) are going to be our Sunday Special on a regular basis, DV.

Then I made some magic sauce (recipe in Sue Dengate's book
Fed Up) - Mmmmmmm.

Waffles with icecream, fruit and magic sauce - bonzer!

And then....
Malachi constructed a domino sun out of the dominoes that go with a little truck that used to move along and 'lay' domino eggs at just the right interval.

Ain't that cool?!
I even took a video of it. I will think about adding it to the post
That's all for now.
I'm off to get ready for church - the
cherry on the Sundae for my Sunday.
Ting tang tay!
Oh and PS...
Apparently there is no way of telling if a caterpillar is a moth or a butterfly.
While I was doing a search to see if I could find out what this caterpillar might turn into (methinks moths cos there are so many, but would like brightly coloured butterflies)
I found these interesting bits of information about Caterpillars.
Did you know:
Caterpillars have several thousand muscles (humans only have about 500)
Caterpillars from the family TORTRICIDAE can move backwards faster than they can move forwards.
Caterpillars from most species in the family SPHINGIDAE have a wicked-looking spine on the tail, but it is in fact entirely harmless.
Caterpillars from species in the genus Doratifera have pockets of stinging spines that they evert when they feel threatened. These caterpillars are often called Spitfires, but they do not actually spit.
When threatened, caterpillars of species in the family PAPILIONIDAE evert a pair of horns from behind the head which produce a pungent aromatic smell, but which are entirely harmless.
Caterpillars from species in the genus Triodes feed on poisonous plants, and accumulate the poisons in their body making them poisonous to predators like birds.
Whilst most species of caterpillars feed on leaves, some burrow into the soil feeding on roots, some bore into trees eating the wood, and caterpillars of the moth Argyrotoxa pompica feed on Koala droppings.
The caterpillars of some species will eat nearly any leaves put in front of them, and some eat only plants of one family, but caterpillars of Leptocnaria reducta will eat only leaves from the Cape Lilac Tree (Melia azedarach).
The female moths of the Australian species Teia anartoides have no wings, and the species disperses by the young caterpillars making an open gossamer sail out of silk, and sailing away on it in the wind.
The fauna and the flora of Australia are very different from those in the rest of the world, and this is just as true of the Caterpillars as it is of the better known Marsupials. With the short history of European influence in Australia and only a small population, only a limited amount of work has been done on naming and identifying the various species. At a recent count, Australia was home to about 370 described and named species of butterflies, about 10,000 described and named species of moths, and with probably as many moth species again yet to be described.
So there you go.