Wednesday, 28 September 2011


Ah, but I am not saying goodbye.
Many years ago when Soph was a youngster she asked "When you've finished the paper towel, can I have the toodle-oo*?"
I thought that was cute and we have called the inner cardboard tubes of toilet paper, paper towel and the likes toodle-oos ever since. And, if you happen to be the one (usually me) who uses the last sheet of paper towel, or the last bit of aluminium foil (rare) then you can hold it up to your mouth and trumpet a "toodle-oo" into it to announce its presence!

This is what you get if you put a creative creature in possession of a collection of toodle-oos - a parliament of owls!!! (For other collective nouns for animals check out this link, or this link, or the good old Wikipedia for more than just a collection of collective nouns!)

* I have chosen to spell it this way for Internet safety reasons.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Three weeks

Three weeks in blogland is a very, very long time.
Three weeks without doing anything creative is an eternity!

Fortunately, I have been able to snatch little opportunities to create.
Here are the latest entries (in no particular order) to my sketch diary thing that I carry around with me everywhere.

 So, I actually did this one yesterday. I had fun making this one up and will certainly have a go at doing it again.

 When all else fails, draw fruit. I was relatively uninspired while sitting in the waiting room at the ultrasound place. I really wanted to use my watercolour crayons so after the chair I branched out to the fruit.

 A bit of doodling while listening to a message on Psalm 1 at our church camp. I just wanted to try out the watercolour shading that I have seen lately. Mmmm. I like it.

 My creative response to Psalm 23. I have to admit I was a little disappointed when I saw Psalm 23 on the list of Psalms we were going to look at while at our church camp. As it turned out this was THE BEST talk and it was SO meaningful to me right at that time. SIGH.
Edited: Actually.... This is my creative response to Psalm 1. I didn't do a creative response to Psalm 23 - it was enough to hear the message and soak it in.

 A reminder from Psalm 116 to testify to myself. Yes, the Lord has been good to me!

 A need to do something and very little inspiration about - feather in my crayon tin (drawn before, I am sure) and Hudson's football. My black pen had run out so I was testing to see if Susannah's pen was waterproof. It was.

Just some random, quick and easy doodling.

So there you go.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Words for Life

Last month I participated (for want of a looser term) in the Big Idea Festival over at Big Picture Classes. Each day for 12 days a BPC teacher gave a word and a sample layout of their word. I did the same but I decided to do watercolour pictures and Bible verses instead of journalling. I tried to use at least the idea of the word in each verse but there was just one word that I changed - nest to rest. There was lots of inspiration, it was fun to have a different BPC teacher every day and it was FREE. I'm looking forward to doing it again next year.

Now to bind them all together into a little mini book.