The very first page was so hard to do.
I just 'wung' it!!!
And I am very happy with the result.
An unfinished page and some journalling about that moment.
I recorded a moment that was not really funny except that DH and I thought it was hilarious and cried laughing.
The elephants have no significance at all. They were already on the page stencilled from an elephant that Susannah cut out.
Ver' ver' cool.
The other day at the gym while I was jogging on the spot I read an article about focussing on what is right. It suggested that you would be surprised at how much good comes your way.
It's true you know.
The train (of thought, that is) chugged along and thought of that old hymn Count Your Blessings - gotta love a bit of ye olde English. Not that old, really.
Then I remembered that verse in Philippians (4:8) "...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
That's all on this next page!
Plus a list of as many things as I could thing of to be thankful for - many blessings.
Another unfinished page.
You should have seen Declan's face this morning.
I was making him a cup of silver tea - hot water, milk and sugar.
I have no idea where this name came from but it reminds me of Asterix in Britain :)
I asked Declan what kind of rice he wanted in his silver tea.
A mildly quizzical look crossed Declan's face which prompted me to revise my question.
Milk, I meant.
Oat milk or rice milk?
All my art journalling of late has been prompted, inspired and directed by Dina Wakley in her "Masterful" Art Journaling classes.
That's all for now.
Your journal pages are looking so gorgeous! I love your style! That moleskine is so cool too with the landscape orientation - I love that!
Love 'em, Diane! :)
Hi Diane,
Your journal pages are great. if I had to chose only one, I'd pick your blue heart and the doodling page. Beautiful
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