Sunday, 25 April 2010

Cars, Cars, Cars

Hudson is SO obviously into cars and it just happened that way. It's not like we encouraged him, or discouraged him, for that matter. If he is not playing with cars or looking out the window watching cars he is drawing cars. While we are out he is constantly spotting cool wheel trims or exhaust pipes. Limos (he nearly passed out with excitement when we saw a stretch Hummer with multiple exhaust pipes) and emergency vehicles get him SO excited he almost pops with the fun of it! So I just had to capture a little bit of Hudson's car fun.

This layout is for The Colour Room palette 3

and is scraplifted from Kathie Link's layout of the same palette.

I am ever inspired by Kathie. I love the cute scenes she makes on her layouts. I said to DH "Can you draw me a cute car - about this big?" and off he went and drew me a cute car about that big! There it is in purple. I love this palette and I must confess, I even dressed Hudson up to match. It just so happened that he has a purple shirt so I wasn't pushing it really. :)

Another thing I love is changing the colour of the paper with ink and I tell you what... Maya Mist is FTW (which, for the uneducated(!), means For The Win).


Unknown said...

Great misting. And your DH drew the car? Wow. Fab! I'm totally flattered that of all the inspiring pages in the gallery you chose mine to lift. Thanks.

Peg said...

Gorgeous page Di, clever misting how it frames your page, yummy :-)