On the Monday evening of the long weekend Chris drove up to Brisbane from the Gold Coast so that he could take me out for dinner. We headed down to South Bank, checked out the scenery and took photos.

We finally decided on Viet de Lites to have dinner after walking the length of South Bank twice. I took this photo at the restaurant - I love it!

I can just see it being on the front cover of their menu! The food was scrumdiddlyumptious and a very health-friendly choice.
After dinner Chris took me on a wild goose chase to get a photo of some orange creations in the window of a museum - maybe an art museum. After doing a drive past a number of times - which also involved going over bridges and getting onto the Gold Coast Hwy - and Chris suggesting that I jump out at the traffic lights and he'd go and do a u-ey (how do you spell that!?!), I decided to do a snatch and grab from the traffic lights. Here's a photo of the things I wanted to photograph but we couldn't find a parking spot to get out and take - sad :(

Then I was on a roll - I took a number of photos from the window of Chris' car, snapping architecture, signs and other things of interest. We headed back to our apartment for a chat before Chris headed home.
Louise was kind enough to take a photo or two (or more) of us. We didn't employ the hints that Sara Pearcy and Andrea Thompson gave me in the photography class I did at the Scrapbooking Convention only that afternoon. It was suggested that we do Blue Steel pose - much hilarity ensued and I managed to get some photos of Chris with his braces. Yay.

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