Or, as was the case when I took this photo, I get dropped off on the side of the road and the car disappears from sight, and I am left in the middle of nowhere with my camera?

Actually, I wasn't really in the middle of nowhere. I was just south of Ballandean. Renae spotted the pyramid when we were on our way up to Brisbane for the Scrapbooking Convention and we made a mental note to look out for it on our way back.
So what is this pyramid? A bit of research (read Google) found this.
Today, as I was driving into town, I saw a lady get out of her car and hurry across the New England Highway to take a photo. "Ah!" I thought, "A woman after my own heart."
That's what I think. What do you think?
Hi Diane!
Was great to meet you at the convention! And I adore your blog! Adding it to my bloglines for sure!!!
Did you end up finishing your paper quilt from the class? they are totally gorgeous! Mine is done and hanging on my wall.
I do not know I have ever had the occasion to see someone out taking photos! I will watch the New England Highway hoping to spot you.
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