The Sylvesters are moving to Sydney.
There’s going to be a Farewell Party for them on the 20th September, in the St Pete’s Parish Hall, from 2-4pm. It will be an opportunity to chat, sign their farewell book and say good-bye. Please bring a plate of afternoon tea to share. Drinks will be provided.
Douglas and Diane are not going to send out formal invitations but would love you to come, and feel free to pass this invitation on to other friends.
RSVP (so we can know numbers) to Janelle Hardy XXXX XXXX or Diane Sylvester XXXX XXXX
If you can’t possibly make it, but still want to say ‘bye, the farewell book will be at Viewpoint Photographics (in the Viaduct Centre, Miller St) for a little while before and after the party. You are welcome to drop in and add your bit.

This is the note that comes with the book...
I’m so glad you can add an entry to our farewell book!
This book has been divided into alphabetical sections - you can add your comment under your initial (first or second name) or you can be respectfully creative and write your message anywhere else in the book. For instance, you might decide to start your message with “Ta ta” and add it under t. Or, use x as the symbol for a kiss and write your sentiments accordingly.
Please use the pens provided - they have been tested on the paper and it seems they do not bleed or go through the paper. Keep that in mind while you are writing.
If you would like to take the book away with you, don’t!!! Please contact me (Diane) and organise a time to have it.
We’d love to keep up to date with you all. Here are some ways you can do that…
Email - mama_pud at aapt dot netdot au
Blog - http//
Mobile - email me :)
Email - douglas.sylvester at msp dot com dot au
Mobile - email him :)
Email - sophielee.sylvester at gmail dot com
Mobile - email her :)
Or, leave your contact details with your message.
Thanks everyone.
Love, Diane
About the book. I bought this beautiful hand made book at the Grass Roots store in Armidale. I added glimmermist, alphabet tabs, stamped flourishes, quotes and the tie made with a gorgeous hand dyed fibre from Viv Bonder - by whom I have been inspired of late and some bits and pieces, includng bells, to give it my own personal touch. Now it just needs our friends to add their comments and it will be a great treasure to me.
That's all for now. Off to do some more packing.
1 comment:
Wooow Diane your farewell book is deeevine!
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