I kinda regretted putting that watermark background on the layout. It was clean and very simple and I liked it. And you know what? I couldn't even remove it digitally the way I wanted. It's one of those occasions where I should have taken a photo first (which I normally do but didn't this time!)
According to this article the tea rose, hybrid variety, is one of the best flowers for people with allergies. It makes the bouquet look attractive. It has no pollen and is best used when it is just a bud for minimum fragrance keeping all allergies away. If you are planning on doing up your garden then the Cecile Brunner and Banksia Rose is for you. These do not have pollen to aggravate that allergy. Banksia roses are small and grow in large bunches so your garden would be an attractive sight when they bloom.
I really love the Banksia Rose. How sweet are the little yellow blossoms!? And the rambling plant does not have thorns like most other roses. It's a goer for me although I have a vague feeling that someone I know IS actually allergic to it :(
This is not the first time I have scrapbooked about Spring.

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