Monday, 12 April 2010


I reckon 9 out 10 injuries in this family have happened at dinner time - cooking dinner time. As was Hudson's yesterday. And 4 out of the 4 injuries that have happened in the last 4 weeks have happened on a Sunday! As did Hudson's.

Triage Nurse: So little man... what happened?
Hudson: Well. I was playing with my little brother and we both kicked at the same time and I tripped over the ball.

Nurse: What happened to you?
Hudson: My little brother, what's older than me but smaller than me cos I'm younger but I'm bigger...
Hudson: We kicked the ball at the same time and I tripped over the ball.

Another Nurse: What happened to you?
Hudson: My little brother, what's older than me but smaller than me cos I'm younger but I'm bigger...
Another Nurse: What did he do to you?
Diane: Nothing, he's just making sure you know that his little brother is older than him. :)
Hudson: Well I tripped over the ball.
Another Nurse: Was your brother sorry for you?
Hudson: Yes.

Later that evening...
Diane to Hudson: Maybe, when people ask you what happened, you could say "My brother" instead of "My little brother". Whaddayareckon?
Hudson: Mmm Hmmm.

Hudson is happy, nonchalant (The Free Dictionary describes nonchalant as "seeming to be coolly unconcerned or indifferent". In a sweet way), and not in any pain at all.

Here's to happy healing (and finding a decent parking spot when I have to take Hudson for another x-ray and to see the Orthopaedic Surgeon at the end of the week.)


Peg said...

Mama Mia you are having a bad run!!
I feel for you more than Hudson, he really looks quite chuffed :-)

Caitlin's card is fabulous too! So you're doing something right.

Diane said...

Hudson was (and is) quite chuffed in a quiet kind of way. He just realised today that it ain't going to be a party under the plaster - poking to scratch an itchy spot.